
Small Systems


Small Systems

BioKube offers compact and efficient small wastewater treatment systems for residential, commercial and community use. These systems utilize advanced technology to effectively treat wastewater, ensuring environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions. With various models available, BioKube's small systems are designed to meet the specific needs of different settings, providing reliable and low-maintenance wastewater treatment solutions.“

These systems find applications in Homes, Farmhouses, Resorts & Hotels, Commercial, Industrial and Institutional campuses.

#treat&reuse is the moniker that all these machines are designed after.

Venus & Mars Systems

BioKube small systems are designed for wastewater from 5 – 300 PE (Person Equivalent)

These systems will typically be used for individual houses, or up to apartments or commercial and institutional buildings and structures, on to small resorts and hotels. These are installed after a septic tank and are pre-fabricated solutions, delivered to the customer ready to install as Plug & Play and ready use.

BioKube machines are internationally certified according to the highest standards. The systems are packaged in cylindrical polypropylene containers and can be delivered with phosphorous removal kits and UV-tertiary treatment units.


Installed in Al Hassa at the local department of environment. The water is reused for irrigation. Temperature can reach over 40° C. The machine works fine in high temperature

BioKube Venus installed in cold areas. The temperature can go below minus 20° C. Many machines are installed in moutainous or cold area where the temperature remains below freezing for months.


The system is setup for reuse of the treated water. The treated water is stored in the white tank, where there is installed a pump so the owner with a timer can do drip irrigation at night where there is less evaporation of water.


Our machines are installed in a day and start their function almost immediately

No large civil work is required and the machine can be placed below ground


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